The Brooke Surgery

20 Market Street, Hyde, SK14 1AT

Telephone: 0161 368 3312

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Women’s Health Clinic

At The Brooke Surgery, we understand that women’s healthcare needs are unique and require specialised care. Our Women’s Health Clinic is dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate healthcare services tailored specifically for women.

With a team of experienced doctors and female healthcare professionals, we are committed to delivering exceptional care and promoting the overall well-being of women of all ages.


Women’s Health Clinic Services We Offer


Routine Check-ups and Preventive Care

Regular check-ups are essential for maintaining optimal health. Our doctors provide thorough examinations, screenings, and preventive care to detect and prevent potential female health issues. We emphasise the importance of early detection and offer a range of screenings including smear tests, breast exams and pelvic exams, to ensure your well-being.


Family Planning and Contraception

We offer personalised family planning consultations to help you make informed decisions about contraception and family planning. Our doctors will guide you through various options, including birth control pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs), contraceptive implants and fertility awareness methods. We believe in empowering women to make choices that align with their reproductive goals and lifestyle.

Take a look at our sexual health clinic services.


Pregnancy Care

Our Women’s Health Clinic provides comprehensive prenatal care to support you throughout your pregnancy journey. Our team of obstetricians and midwives offers prenatal check-ups, ultrasound scans, genetic screening, and prenatal education to ensure a healthy and safe pregnancy. We are here to address any concerns and provide guidance every step of the way.


Menopause Management

Menopause is a significant phase in a woman’s life that can bring about physical and emotional changes. Our clinic offers personalised menopause management, including hormone replacement therapy, lifestyle counselling and symptom management. Our aim is to help you navigate this transition smoothly and maintain your overall well-being.


Gynaecological Care

From adolescent gynaecology to postmenopausal care, our Women’s Health Clinic offers comprehensive gynaecological services. We address a wide range of concerns, including menstrual irregularities, pelvic pain, urinary incontinence and reproductive health issues. Our team provides accurate diagnoses, treatment options and ongoing support to meet your specific needs.


Why Choose Our Women’s Health Clinic?


Experienced and Compassionate Healthcare Professionals

Our clinic is staffed by a team of skilled doctors, nurses and support staff who specialise in women’s health. We are committed to providing personalised care with empathy, respect and sensitivity.


Patient-Centered Approach

We prioritise building strong doctor-patient relationships based on trust, open communication, and shared decision-making. Your concerns and preferences are at the heart of our care and we strive to make your experience comfortable and empowering.


Comprehensive Care in One Location

Our clinic offers a wide range of women’s health services, ensuring that you can receive all your healthcare needs in one convenient location. We collaborate closely with other specialists to provide integrated care and access to additional resources if needed.


Welcoming and Supportive Environment

We understand that visiting a doctor can sometimes be intimidating. Our clinic provides a warm and welcoming environment where you can feel at ease. Our staff is dedicated to creating a safe space where you can discuss your concerns openly and confidentially.


Schedule an appointment today

Take charge of your health and well-being by scheduling an appointment with our Women’s Health Clinic. Our team is ready to provide you with the highest quality of care and support.


Contact us today to book your appointment or to learn more about our services and other clinics. We look forward to being your trusted healthcare doctor’s surgery.

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    See Staff Training For Closure Dates
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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